Graduation is a momentous event for both the graduate and those close to them. Graduation marks the completion of an important life era, and the culmination of much hard work and dedication. Celebrate and recognize this milestone achievement with a special handwritten card.
Congratulate the graduate and tell them how very proud you are of their accomplishment! Whether you'd like to compose a lighthearted or more meaningful message, the guide below will help you find just the right words to include inside a graduation card!
Tip: Share a particular Bible verse with the graduate, and let them know you'll be praying for the next step of their journey.
Tip: Personalize your message with the graduate's name, their chosen college, high school name, a favorite subject, etc.
Tip:Personalize the message with the graduate's name, college name, or the specific degree they received.
Make sure the underlying message is about how proud, happy, and excited you are for the graduate. Stepping out into the work world can be intimidating. So consider including encouraging and motivating sentiments such as: "we are proud of you," "we can't wait to see what you do next," "wherever the road leads, success awaits you," "remember we will always be your support team and biggest cheerleaders," and "your passion will lead to great things." With the right words, your memorable message will become a treasured keepsake for the graduate!