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Get Well CardTop Twenty Worst Things Doctors Say During Surgery...

$2.50 each
($3.95 Retail)


Top Twenty Worst Things Doctors Say During Surgery... 1. Does anyone remember what’s connected to the hip bone?” 2. This scalpel sure is rusty! 3. We’re almost to the fun part…when his anesthetic wears off! 4. I like the board game version better. 5. This guy had a mighty fine watch on him when he came in. 6. $10 sez I can sew this thing in upside-down! 7. You forgot to wash your hands again, didn’t you, Dr. Smith? 8. Ewwww…gross! 9. Somebody get a picture of this looks just like Elvis! 10. Maybe some iodine and a big bandage would do the trick.


So glad to see that they didn't have to remove your funny bone! Get Well Soon

Additional Verse:

11. Hell, no, I won’t kiss his boo-boo! 12. Yeah…I missed the class on closing up the patient, too. 13. Isn’t that line on the monitor supposed to have some bumps on it? 14. You mean this WASN'T my 2:30 vasectomy? 15. Another day…another payment on my yacht. 16. A little spit oughta hold this together. 17. Uh-oh…has anybody seen my car keys? 18. There’s a first time for everything! 19. Let’s wrap this up quick…I’ve got a tee time reserved. 20. Yuck! Nobody said anything about blood!


• Full color interior
• Colorful envelope included
• Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks
• Made in the U.S.A.

Artist: Mike Scovel  
Item#:  69333
Size:  5 1/2" x 7 1/4"