Signing in with Facebook or Google
Now there’s a new, easier way to log into your account! This type of login is known as a “Social Login”, and it allows you to log in with a single click (or tap) to your account. The best part is you don't need to remember a new password just for!
You can automatically connect to, or create, your account with your FaceBook or Google account, as long as the email address you use to login to both sites is the same. If you use different email addresses, we won't be able to link your accounts automatically.
If you do not wish to use “Social Login” features, the traditional account creation/login functions still exist. You can choose which way you want to access your Account.
To link your current Account
- Click on the Account Icon you want to use
- If you're not currently signed in, you'll be asked to sign in to your Facebook or Google Account. Don't worry, you're signing into your account on their site - not
- Enter your email address and click Register Email.
- You're finished — it's that easy!